João J. O.  Pires

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Instituto Superior Técnico
 Av. Rovisco Pais, 1094-001 Lisboa, Portugal

                                phone: (351)  21-8418476

                                fax: (351) 21-8418472




  Portuguese version


    Research Interests

    Selected Publications

    National Projects

    Lectured Courses



 Research Interests

My present research interests include mainly SDH and optical networks, as well as optical switching. In the optical networking area relevant topics include design and implementation of optical network elements (OADM) with protection capabilities, study of the impact of physical layer limitations on network design, and dimensioning of both planar and hierarchical optical networks. The dimensioning of  SDH networks  and the interaction between SDH and optical protection are also considered. In the context  of optical switching the research effort has been concentrated on establishing appropriate methodologies  to analyse the performance of large optical switches, as well as on designing switching networks under  specified  crosstalk and blocking constraints.


 Selected Publications

Journal articles

Conference Papers

 National Projects (IT Lisboa)


 Lectured Courses


João J. O. Pires received the Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering in 1981 and the M.Sc. and the Doctorate in Electrical and Computer Engineering en 1985 and 1993, respectively, from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon.  Since 1981 he is with IST, where  he is now an Assistant  Professor. In 1994 he also joined the Instituto de Telecomunicações. During 1995  and 1997 he was a visiting scientist at the Photonic Networks Laboratory,  University of Essex in United Kingdom.


He has lectured widely on optical communications and telecommunication systems and networks. He has carried out research in many areas related with optical communications, including optical receivers, analog optical systems for video applications, coherent optical systems, multigigabit/s direct detection systems, photonic switching  and SDH and optical networks.


He was involved in RACE1051, RACE 2021 TRAVEL and RACE2028 MWTN projects. He was also involved in ACTS projects such as AC049 SPEED and AC066 OPEN. He was also the leader of two national projects. He has authored or co-authored of over 30 technical papers in the area of optical communications and networks. He is a member of the IEEE and Ordem dos Engenheiros in Portugal.

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Last updated 15/1/2001