for Manuscript Submission |
must be submitted in electronic form only, using the Submission
Interface below. Note that the paper will be included in the
conference proceedings only if :
The manuscript is received until 1st July;
The manuscript follows the indicated
The accepted electronic file format is Portable Document Format
At least one of the authors registers until 1st July;
The corresponding IEEE copyright
form is sent by fax to +351-21-8418472, or +351-21- 8417739
until 1st July;
The overlength page fee is payed (with the conference
registration) when manuscript exceeds 5 pages
(only up to 3 excess pages);
The manuscript has no more than 8 pages.
for Speakers |
would like to call the attention of oral presenters to the items
below, which are listed also in a downloadable
file. Additionally, some guidelines are provided in a downloadable
file for those less experienced with oral presentations.
at the room of your session 15 minutes before it begins,
so that you can meet your session chairs and the other speakers
in advance. |
download the CV form, fill it
in and hand it to the session chair before the session begins.
In case you have not done this in advance, please ask for
a CV form at the secretariat during the conference. |
is most important to be within strict time constraints to
allow the presentations to fit within the allotted time
periods. Each paper has a time slot of 20 minutes, 17 of
which for the presentation, and the remaining 3 for questions
and discussion. The session chairman will rigorously enforce
these time limits. |
and video projectors, as well as laptops, will be available
in all conference rooms. Other equipment, if available,
will be provided at your expenses if your request it. Check
availability with the PIMRC 2002 secretariat (
). |
may use their own laptops. Laptops available at the rooms
run WINDOWS Millennium operating system, and have PowerPoint
Office XP installed; if this option his selected, presenters
should bring their compatible presentation files stored
in a CD- ROM or a 3.5” disk. In both cases, presenters are
requested to test the functionality of the presentation
before the beginning of the session. Also, it is strongly
recommended that presenters bring transparencies as a backup. |
for Poster Presenters |
preparing the Poster, presenters should have in mind the objective
of capturing the interest of attendees to the work that is being
presented. The quality of the presentation stimulates the attention
from the audience, and improves the overall satisfaction of the
community attending the conference. Further, we would like to
call the attention of poster presenters to the items below, which
are listed also in a downloadable
poster board is marked with the assigned poster reference
number. Authors are required to use only the boards corresponding
to their posters. |
should be put on the board 15 minutes before the beginning
of the posters session. |
should be glued to the poster board using only dual-face
gluing tape supplied by the local organization. Staples,
pins, screws or any abrasive or perforating hardware are
not permitted. Do not write or paint on the poster boards. |
will be student volunteers in the room to ensure that facilities
are functioning properly, and to give you any assistance
you may require during the session. |
are required to stand by their posters during the whole
posters session, and to remove their posters from the boards
immediately after the end of the posters session. |
overall dimensions for the poster are 90 cm x 110 cm (width
x height). |
Use an appropriate font size allowing posters to be readable
by delegates 1.5 m away. The poster message should be clear
and understandable without oral explanation. A recommended format
is given below.