evolution of the end user needs towards multimedia
applications has pushed the wireless community to
conceive the so called third generation (3G), where
a very large amount of both circuit switched services
and packet switched services for voice and data,
at different bit rates and with a broad range of
different QoS requirements, will be provided. In
this context, the definition and assessment of suitable
Radio Resource Management (RRM) strategies for the
UTRA segment of UMTS is a key issue for achieving
the expectations created on 3G technology. RRM functionalities
are very important in the framework of 3G systems
because the system relies on them to guarantee a
certain target QoS, to maintain the planned coverage
area and to offer a high capacity. Moreover, RRM
functions can be implemented in many different ways,
this having an impact on the overall system efficiency
and on the operator infrastructure cost, so that
definitively RRM strategies will play an important
role in a mature UMTS scenario. Additionally, RRM
strategies are not subject of standardisation, so
that they can be a differentiation issue among equipment
producers and operators.
The tutorial deals with the following issues:
Introduction to UMTS and QoS
- Radio interface overview
- QoS architecture, QoS classes and parameters
- Reference Radio Access Bearers
Radio Resource Management (RRM) functions
- Admission control
- Load control
- Packet scheduling
- Handover
- Power control
Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithms
- Examples
- Simulation results
Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol
- RRC to support RRM functionalities
- Examples