- Interference modeling and its mitigation in Wireless Communications
Systems |
Asrar Sheikh, Bugshan/Bell Lab Chair in Telecommunications,
Department of Electrical Engineering, King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals
9h00 |
presence of interference in mobile radio systems
is perennial and has a limiting effect on the overall
capacity of the wireless communication systems.
This tutorial identifies the causes of interference,
investigates its nature and models it in the presence
of fading, frequency selectivity and shadowing.
The developed models are then used to determine
the impact of interference on digital transmission.
To increase the capacity of wireless systems, interference
must be reduced to a minimum. The interference can
be minimized by exploiting its structure. Many types
of signal processing techniques may be used to mitigate
the effect of interference. For example, cyclostationarity
of digital transmission in one method of dealing
with interference whether co-channel or adjacent
channel. Other methods include diversity, equalization,
interference estimation and cancellation. This tutorial
will describe interference in TDMA and CDMA systems
and provide details on the methods to minimize it.
Biography of the Speaker(s):
Asrar U.H. Sheikh graduated from the University of Engineering
and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan with first class honours and
received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from the University of Birmingham,
England, in 1966 and 1969 respectively. After completing teaching
assignments in several countries, he returned to Birmingham as
a Research Fellow in 1975. He worked at Carleton University from
1981 to 1997, first as Associate Professor and later as a Professor
and Associate Chairman for Graduate Studies. He was the Founder
Director of PCS Research Laboratory at Carleton University. Before
taking position of Bugshan/Bell Lab Chair in Telecommunications
at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in April 2000,
he was a Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Electronic
and Information Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
He is also the founder director of Wireless Information Systems
Research (WISR) Centre. At KFUPM he has established Telecommunications
Research Laboratory. He has published over 180 papers in international
journals and conference proceedings. He also authored or co-authored
28 technical reports. Dr. Sheikh is a co-recipient of Paul Adorian
Premium from IERE (London) for his work on impulsive noise characterization.
He was awarded teaching achievement awards in 1984 and 1986, and
Research Achievement Award in 1994, all by Carleton University.
He has organized and chaired many technical sessions at several
international conferences. Dr. Sheikh is actively involved in
several international conferences mainly as a member of Technical
Program Committees. He Chaired the Technical Program of VTC'98.
He is an editor of IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications,
a Technical Associate Editor of IEEE Communication Magazine. He
is on the Editorial Board of Wireless Personal Communications,
and Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. He was a co-guest
editor of the Special Issue of WPC on Interference. Dr. Sheikh
is also on the reviewer panels of many IEEE and IEE Transactions
and Journals. Dr. Sheikh has been consultant to many private companies
and government agencies. His current interests are in signal processing
in communications, mitigation of interference, spread spectrum
and 3G and beyond systems. His other interests include helping
developing countries in education and research. He had assignments
under UNDP's sustained Development Program. He is a Fellow of
the IEE and a Senior Member of the IEEE. Dr. Sheikh is also listed
in Marquis Who’sWhos in the world.