- Self-Organised Networks and Services |
Giordano - EPFL, Switzerland
14h00 |
advances in wireless communication will enable a
radical new communication paradigm: self-organised
information and communication systems. In this new
networking environment, the users' mobile devices
are the network and they must co-operatively
provide the functionality that is usually provided
by the network infrastructure (e.g. routers, switches,
and servers). Such systems are sometimes referred
to as mobile ad hoc networks (MANET's) or as infrastructure-less
wireless networks. This tutorial discusses the different
aspects, and technologies that act in this self-organising,
dynamic, volatile, peer-to-peer communication environment.
In particular, it provides an understanding of:
- nodes location and self-organised routing: how
to discover and maintaining the location of a node
and how to determine the path to a given destination
and forward packet along that path;
- nodes co-operation, the peer-to-peer services
and security aspects: how co-operates to the correct
functioning of the network; how services can be
in the hands of lots of end users and how to provide
security to such a system;
- applications and socio-economic impact. For example,
the low cost self-organised local network communication
and the low cost-barrier environment for novel business
The tutorial will focus on the technical issues,
but also on the non-technical economic and social
issues that will drive the impact of ad hoc networking.
Biography of the Speaker(s):
Silvia Giordano, Ph.D. is currently working as senior researcher
at the LCA institute at EPFL, Lausanne- Switzerland and at the
DIE department of SUPSI, Lugano - Switzerland. Since October 2001,
is a scientific collaborator at CNUCE, Pisa. She has written more
than 40 research articles in the areas of quality of services,
traffic control, and mobile ad-hoc networks. She participated
to several European ACTS/IST projects. Since 1999 she is Editor
of IEEE Communication Magazine. She was already co-editor of some
Special issues of IEEE Communication Magazine, and Baltzer MONET
and Cluster Networks on "Mobile ad-hoc networking" and "QoS networking".
She was in the executive committee and in the TCP of several international
conferences, and has served as reviewer on Transaction journals,
as well as for several important conferences. She is member of
IEEE and IFIP WG 6.8. Her current research interests include traffic
control and mobile ad-hoc networks.